From the very beginning, I knew this birth was going to a much anticipated and exciting event for our family. But I never thought I’d be asked to photograph the event! So when I was, it was a moment of elation! Following the journey of first time mum, Kim through to the arrival of her gorgeous little daughter was a dream come true. But what was more amazing was how I witnessed one of the calmest and most focused drug free labours I could have imagined. The support was flowing freely, the energy was relaxed yet energised by the fast progress this calm labour facilitated. Once again, I believe this is another prime example of the way hypno-birthing can assist mothers during labour.
This storybook gallery has a few selectively conservative images of the birth of April. There are other shots, reserved for private viewing, that display the actual birth in an amazing way. Too amazing for words!
For those who are interested in the hypnobirth / calmbirth idea in Adelaide, please contact Kristy from Instinctual Birthing
